Key Factors to Evaluate When Investing in a New Furnace

If you recently discovered that your furnace needs to be replaced, you may be feeling a bit stressed, anxious or overwhelmed. It’s not just the money factor that has to be considered in this decision. The fact is there are many different things to consider, besides price, when you are in the market for a new furnace. The following are just a few tips that will help to make sure you are making the right decision:

When it comes to your mind, comfort and energy savings should be top priorities. The size, type, and capacity of your new furnace are prime features to consider, ensuring it will adequately warm your home and provide enough ventilation. The costs of the equipment, its lifespan, and potential savings from rebates or reduced energy usage are all things a professional can help you evaluate.

The decision to purchase a new furnace is a significant one that is sure to impact your comfort and your pocket, especially considering the amount of heat and electricity a heating system manages. In this way, homeowners find themselves with a multitude of options.


Your buying decision should take into consideration your ability to control the furnace output, as well as the cost of operation. Variable-speed controls will allow you to save money while keeping your home comfortable. These controls directly influence the blower and heat exchanger in the system. Many furnaces without variable-speed controls use five or six times as much energy as those with it. Another benefit of this technology, besides the added thermostat feature for better temperature regulation, is that it can help to control humidity levels in the home.


As stated above, one furnace can use more energy than another. The main thing to look for is one with a high AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) number. This number actually denotes how effectively the furnace converts the fuel into energy, a significant factor influencing your energy costs and the furnace’s lifespan. Experts would suggest choosing a system that leans towards high-efficiency for the sake of your energy bills and overall household needs. The higher the number the more fuel-efficient it is. In the long run, this means less money spent on fuel to keep your home at a comfortable level. You also want to look for those with the Energy Star label, as these will meet the standards of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

Noise Level

When it comes to the comfort of your family being disrupted by noise, this is a big one… though not just for technology, but also for comfort! Nobody wants to hear the labor of their heat exchanger every time the furnace kicks on, so you will want to pay close attention to the noise level of a furnace before you make your decision. Those that have variable speed controls should be the quietest units, but also, checking the manufacturer’s specifications for ductwork and ventilation might provide information on sound levels.


The warranty on the furnace is also an important factor you must consider. A one-year warranty is not enough for such a large expense. Instead, you need to look for one that has at least a ten-year warranty on various parts of your unit. Some manufacturers might also offer rebates on certain furnace models boosting your savings additionally.

When you’re in the market for a new furnace, The Cooling Company has become the top provider of furnaces in Las Vegas. We will help you to make the best decision in choosing a unit for your home and will take all your needs into consideration, including those not listed above.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling account for around 48% of your average energy bill for most families. This is why taking the time to ask questions and consider your options is a crucial step towards a more energy-efficient future.

Fortunately, there are HVAC System Enhancements available that can help your system use less energy while still keeping your home. Below are some of the HVAC enhancements available at The Cooling Company, all of which can have a positive impact on the air quality, temperature, and energy efficiency of any home.
