Understanding the Impact of Air Conditioner Sensor Issues on Home Cooling

Your air conditioner, with its complex ductwork and insulation, is an intricate design of electrical relays, pressurized liquid, and mechanical parts, including a refrigerant and a filter. When all of these parts work harmoniously, thanks to sensors ensuring optimal airflow, your home is perfectly air-conditioned to the set room temperature, maximising the system’s efficiency.

The air conditioning repair becomes the least of your worries. However, any malfunction, be it in the condenser or elsewhere, can lead to air conditioner sensor problems that quickly change your indoor climate. From cycling too much to not turning on at all, these issues increase energy consumption and might lead to condensation issues. It is however that a faulty sensor may just need a basic adjustment… or not!

You might be surprised at the number of reasons your home could be struggling with cooling. In this specific case, we will be examining how problems with air conditioner sensors can affect your home cooling, also leading to a dramatic increase in energy bills if not addressed promptly. These are among several signs that something isn’t working correctly within your cooling unit.

Experts and technicians alike emphasize the solution to keep your house at the desired temperature by properly maintaining your AC unit and knowing when a technician’s job is required. You should also have adequate knowledge to recognise a problem when the temperatures in your rooms aren’t quite right. Here are a few tips drawing on expert advice to help you spot potential issues with your air conditioning unit.

How A Thermostat Sensor Works

Your thermostat sensor, one vital component, resides near your inside air conditioning unit’s evaporator coil. As air moves past the sensor and coil in this confined environment, it notes the temperature and compares it to the desired level. If the home or business needs additional cooling, the sensor activates the compressor in response, efficiently cooling your rooms to the desired temperature in your homes, thereby reducing energy consumption. This performance depends entirely on the sensor’s functionality; when it reads the correct temperature, it promptly shuts the compressor off, effectively turning off the air conditioning. It’s typically the fault in these types of sensors which result in problems with air conditioners.

Symptoms To Look For

There are a few telltale signs if your air conditioner sensors are not working properly. For instance, one sign you should be aware of is if your air conditioner cycles on and off with little time between activation periods. This behavior suggests an issue with the sensor’s accuracy. The house can be too cool or too hot, even if you adjust the temperature setting at the control panel. Allowing the system to continue in this unusual cycle could cause critical components, including the condenser, to break down. The Cooling Company, with its professionals in position, wants to preserve your system for as long as possible, hence why it states, “It’s All About Your Comfort.”

Simple DIY Air Conditioner Sensor Repair

For things like adjusting the position of the sensor, you can take measures yourself. To do this, first turn off the air conditioner, and remove power from it completely by shutting off the breaker at the main electrical panel. Next, access the indoor air conditioning unit’s evaporator coil. It may seem hidden with a cover on it for protection. The sensor, an important ingredient in measuring the room’s temperature should be extremely close to the coil. If it is touching the coil or bending away from it, you have perhaps found your sensor problem. Here’s where the touch of a DIY enthusiast comes into play.

Carefully bend the sensor back into place. It needs to be close to the coil for an accurate temperature account. Any unusual angles toward or away from the coil causes the erratic air conditioning behavior as seen before. Turn the breaker back on and activate the air conditioning. Ideally, it should work normally now.

Our #1 recommendation for safety’s sake, however, is to always contact professionals like The Cooling Company for all your HVAC needs. If you adjust your sensor and the system behavior is still erratic, we need to evaluate your air conditioner. There may be other issues causing problems, which need to be identified by our experienced technicians. Based on our evaluation, you will always receive a fair and honest estimate to make your system work reliably again. Avoid long-term damage to your air conditioning by allowing us to evaluate your system. That simple problem could quickly evolve into a large headache if left unaddressed!
