Your Energy-Consuming Household Appliances: Top 4 Culprits

A considerable amount of energy gets gobbled up by household electrical appliances daily. Think about it: they’re constantly plugged in or must be left running or turned on. Thankfully, your household energy-consuming habits can be tweaked, so you conserve more and use less.

1. Refrigerators and Freezers

Refrigerators and freezers are some of the most significant energy-sucking appliances in homes. For one, they’re always on and running for years and years on end. This is necessary to keep food fresh, but it also means a lot of energy spent. Fortunately, there are easy ways to keep fridges and freezers running efficiently.

The average refrigerator uses a lot of energy annually and costs you about $100 to run.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your energy consumption, one way is to switch out your old fridge for an Energy Star certified model.

That old fridge could be costing you hundreds of dollars every year and making our planet a little less friendly, simultaneously! Side note, old fridges contribute annually to house fires. So, it is time to consider looking for a new energy-efficient one.

How To Save Energy with Refrigerators and Freezers

The good news is there are plenty of easy ways to ensure they’re working efficiently and not wasting energy! For those who are conscious about their energy usage, you can do a few things to ensure your appliance isn’t using more than it needs to.

Here are some tips:

  • Don’t overfill the fridge or freezer. For example, if food is piled up against one wall, the air temperature cannot circulate around the unit. Items in the unit won’t stay cold as long as they can.
  • Keep an eye on the temperature in both areas. The freezer should be kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius) or below; the fridge should be set between 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (1 to 4 degrees Celsius). Adjust accordingly if you notice that either area seems too warm or too cold.
  • Check food package expiration dates before storing them and eating them! If something has been in there for longer than recommended, toss it out and replace it with new packages. Also, don’t leave food in there that’s past its expiration date or won’t be eaten soon—this will help keep your fridge running efficiently and prevent unnecessary waste.
  • Make sure door seals are solid. Most refrigerators lose between 20% and 30% of their cooling capacity if the door is left open for an hour.
  • Don’t stand in front of the fridge with the door open for long periods of time. Grab what you need and close the door.

If you still haven’t been able to reduce your energy usage, consider upgrading to an Energy Star-rated model. These home appliances use up to 50% less energy than standard models while keeping food fresh for longer periods.

2. Dehumidifiers

By now, you know that the most efficient way to keep your home comfortable is to use a programmable thermostat. However, what about all those other appliances?

Dehumidifiers are great for reducing humidity in your home and keeping it dry. They can also help prevent mold growth and eliminate odors so your home smells fresh.

However, they have a cost, a big one! A dehumidifier can consume up to 12 kilowatts of electricity daily, which adds up over time. If your dehumidifier runs daily, it consumes more electricity than almost any other home appliance (except central air conditioning).

How To Save Energy with Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers are one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home. Their job is to remove excess moisture from the air and cool it down. This can lead to higher electricity bills if they’re not used properly.

Here are some tips on how to save energy with dehumidifiers:

  1. Turn off your dehumidifier when it’s not in use. Even if you don’t plan on using it for a few days, turn it off so that it won’t be running while you’re sleeping or away from home. If you leave it running overnight, you’ll likely see an increase in your electric bill!
  2. Don’t set your dehumidifier to run constantly at high levels. Using it this way will use up more energy than necessary. Instead, set your machine for several hours at a time and then turn it off for a few hours before turning it back on again later in the day or evening. This will allow some humidity into the room and keep things comfortable while saving money on power bills by running at lower speeds!
  3. Make sure a licensed HVAC contractor has professionally installed your dehumidifier.
  4. Keep it clean. The coils should be cleaned on a regular basis with a brush or vacuum attachment to ensure maximum efficiency and airflow.

3. Water Heaters

We’re all familiar with the energy-consuming household appliances and electronics that have become a part of our daily lives: our televisions, microwaves, lights, dishwashers, and computers. What about the water heater? You might not think of it as an energy-consuming appliance, but it is.

The average American home has a water heater that uses between six and ten gallons of natural gas per hour. That’s a lot of energy! That’s not even counting the electricity used by electric heaters.

Home HVAC systems are the biggest energy-consuming household appliances. They consume more energy than refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines combined! They can account for up to 30% of your home’s total electricity costs.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, one of the easiest ways is to reduce your use of appliances like water heaters. For example, install low-flow shower heads and faucets that use less water. Unfortunately, The United States is known for energy consumption in water heating. Bathing, washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning, and other daily needs means water heaters are constantly running.

How To Save Energy with Water Heaters

There are many ways to reduce the energy you use in your home. One way is to adjust your water heater. The energy used by your water heater can significantly impact your monthly energy bill, so it’s important to take steps to reduce this.

The first step is determining whether the size and type of water heater you have are right for your home. If not, consider replacing it with one that meets your needs better. For example, if you have a family of four or more people, you will likely need a larger tank than someone who lives alone or with one other person.

In addition, keep in mind that older models may not be as efficient as newer ones or those built with new technology, such as tankless heaters or solar panels. As a result, these options are often more expensive than traditional models. Still, they can save money over time. After all, they use less energy than other models, even though they cost more upfront. Although they save money in the long run, they require installation costs for installing solar panels or special wiring for tankless heaters. These additional fees are not included in standard installation costs for traditional models.

Don’t forget, you can contribute personally by considering your hot water habits.

  • Taking cooler showers
  • Taking shorter showers
  • Washing your clothes in cold water
  • Using cooler water for washing dishes

It doesn’t have to be scalding hot to get things clean.

4. Home HVAC Systems: The Biggest Energy-Consuming Household Appliances

Heating and cooling your home is essential, especially in the dead of winter months or the peak heat of summer. However, your HVAC system uses the most energy in a home.

This is true especially if you:

  • Live in a larger home
  • Live in colder or hotter climates
  • Have an older system that doesn’t work as efficiently as newer models

If you’re looking to cut back on your monthly utility bills, you should first check and ensure all of your HVAC systems are in good working order. If they aren’t, you’ll have to fix them before you can even consider saving money on your energy bill. The good news is there are easy ways to save money on your HVAC system. The best way to start is by understanding what makes up your HVAC system’s energy use. Then you will be able to understand how it can be reduced.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to saving energy with your HVAC system: don’t wait until it breaks down or starts acting weird before you take action. If something feels wrong (like the air isn’t getting as cool as it should), get it fixed immediately. This will help, so you don’t end up paying for unnecessary repairs later down the road.

How To Save Energy with Your HVAC System

If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a little guide on how to troubleshoot your HVAC system so that it’s running as efficiently as possible:

  1. Check the filters: Filters should be cleaned every month and replaced every three months. Although it is a good idea to clean your filters every month, you can also use disposable filters if you don’t want to clean or replace them regularly. A dirty filter can reduce airflow by up to 30%, which means that your system has to work harder and use more energy than necessary.
  2. Change your air conditioning or heating system’s refrigerant: You can ask a professional or hire an HVAC company to come out and do this for you.
  3. Get an annual tune-up from an expert: This includes cleaning out any debris around the outside vents (such as leaves or dirt buildup), checking all hoses for cracks or breaks, etc.
  4. Use a programmable thermostat: This will allow you to set the temperature at different times of the day. This can help you save up to 10% on annual heating and cooling costs. Upgrade to a programmable thermostat and set it at the lowest temperature that is comfortable for the average household.
  5. Clean the coils: At least once every three months or monthly if you have allergies or pets in your home. Cleaning the coils helps keep them from overheating and causing damage, which increases your energy costs over time.
  6. Have a professional perform routine maintenance: Schedule maintenance at least once a year. The HVAC technician can check fluid levels and insulation to ensure the unit is working at its peak performance.
  7. Keep vents unblocked: Vents blocked by large objects (furniture) or other things could prevent airflow. In addition, the blockage will have the unit working harder than it needs to.
  8. Upgrade to a newer model: An energy-efficient system could save you hundreds of dollars annually. Even if your household electricity consumption habits aren’t as good as they could be, a newer model will save money.

The Cooling Company can help you make the smart move and improve your energy consumption. Our team is here to help you figure out how much money you’ll save in a year. Look to us for great service and expertise. Call today for an estimate to see how The Cooling Company can help you reduce your energy use and save you money long term.
