Make Your Home Energy Efficient Now!

Your home is the one place you should be able to relax. Still, the utility bills remind you of another fact; your home consumes energy. Why is this so? There are many reasons behind this, but sometimes it can be due to your AC unit. The air conditioner installation services with The Cooling Company will provide you with the optimal solution. By making your AC far more efficient, fixing any problem with it, and upgrading it.

If you:

  • Never have a comfortable temperature in your home
  • Find your AC needs to run the entire day
  • Are worried that you’ll owe more than $1000 on your electric bill by the end of the summer

Don’t worry! Making these simple but effective upgrades will put your heating and cooling unit back into play!

Your home is your castle, but that doesn’t mean it should cost you a fortune to keep it running. The average American household spends around $2,000 yearly on energy bills. This can be significantly higher if you live in a colder climate or have an older home.

Here Are Some Tips to Lower Your Electricity Bill and Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

There are many ways to make your home more energy-efficient, and you probably already have some of the tools you need right in your garage or basement.

  1. Check the insulation on your water pipes. If they’re not insulated, wrap them with foam pipe covers or install a heat tape system. You can find these at any hardware store.
  2. Ensure your windows are adequately sealed and don’t leak air. Use caulk or weather stripping around the frames and doors. Check the seals on electrical outlets and switches.
  3. Install low-flow showerheads for baths and showers. They will save about $100 per year in water costs!
  4. Replace old light bulbs with LEDs. LEDs use 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
  5. Install a programmable thermostat to control when your heating and cooling systems are on or off.
  6. Check for drafts around doors and windows, then close any gaps with weather stripping or foam insulation sheets.

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to energy efficiency, not all appliances are created equal. However, recent innovations in green technology have led to the development of modern HVAC units that are superior to traditional devices in many ways.

Whether you’re interested in saving money on utility bills, reducing your carbon footprint, or upgrading to more durable HVAC systems, it’s worth considering the benefits of energy-efficient alternatives on the market. These green devices will be marked with the government’s Energy Star label.

Upgrade Your HVAC Unit

If you’re looking to make your home more energy-efficient, there are many ways. One of the best ways is by upgrading your HVAC unit. It’s a good idea because it can help you save money on monthly energy bills. In addition, by upgrading your HVAC unit, you will be able to get better results from your system, and it will last longer too!

Upgrading your HVAC unit is a great way to make your home more energy-efficient. A new HVAC unit can help you save money in the long run and save you money on your energy bills because it’s more efficient than older models. They run less, consume less energy, and are programmable to value energy.

If you’re considering upgrading your HVAC unit, there are a few things to consider:

  • What kind of system do I need?
  • Do I need a standard or variable speed system?
  • How much space do I have for ductwork?
  • What kind of duct material should I choose?
  • Can I get rid of my old ducts and use new ones?
  • Do I need to replace old ducts all at once?

Upgrade Your Windows to Make Your Home Energy Efficient Now!

Windows are a big part of your home’s energy efficiency, which is why they’re worth upgrading. You can upgrade the windows in your home to make them more energy-efficient and comfortable. Upgraded windows are markedly known to save on heating and cooling bills yearly.

Here’s how:

  1. Think about how old your windows are. It might be time for an upgrade if they’re over 20 years old.
  2. Get quotes from local contractors who specialize in this work. Don’t forget to ask about their credentials as well.
  3. Get multiple quotes from different contractors so you can compare prices and services offered by each one.

Upgrading your windows is one of the easiest ways to save energy costs.

For example, you can reduce heating and cooling needs by up to 20% by replacing old, inefficient windows with new ones. While you might think having more windows would mean more heat loss in the winter, the opposite is true! New windows have triple-pane glass and weather stripping that help keep heat in during cold months and cool air out during warm ones.

Solar Power

Switching to solar power offers so many environmental benefits that it’s no wonder federal and state agencies are encouraging homeowners to make the jump. For starters, you can get a federal tax credit worth up to 30% of the installation cost. However, the savings start rolling in as you generate monthly energy surpluses through your panels. These surpluses can earn significant savings on your utility bills. In addition, once your house is equipped with the proper energy converters, your electric system will run pretty much the same as before you went solar.


Have you ever wondered why your air conditioner works less well in the summer than it does in the winter? The answer may be that you need to improve your insulation.

Insulation is one of the most important factors in keeping your home comfortable and energy-efficient. Insulating your home can reduce heating and cooling costs by as much as 30%. It also helps keep moisture from entering your home, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Mold can cause health problems.

If you’re thinking about adding insulation to your home or upgrading what’s already there, it’s important to know how insulation works and how much you need.

The first step is making sure you have enough insulation in place. If you have less than 20% of the recommended R-value for your area, then installing additional insulation is a good idea. R-value measures the resistance to heat flow. If you’re already over 20%, adding more insulation isn’t likely worth the cost. However, if there are cracks around windows or doors where air could leak through them or problems with your HVAC system, insulation can improve your home’s energy efficiency.

What Is Insulation?

  • Insulation is a material that keeps heat in or out
  • It can be found between walls, floors, attics, and basements
  • Insulation helps keep your house warm in winter and cool in summer
  • It can also help reduce noise outside your home by reducing sound transmission through walls and ceilings
  • Insulation will make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient
  • It helps reduce air pollution by keeping pollutants out of your home’s air supply
  • Insulation also reduces the fuel you need to heat or cool your home.


While furnaces can be very efficient heating systems, many homes have outdated models that emit more greenhouse gasses than necessary. Most standard furnaces operate at an [Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rate]( is the abbreviation for ‘Annual Fuel Utilization,which can help to lower your fuel costs.) of around 75 percent.

A furnace with a rating of 90 percent or higher will use much less fuel and save homeowners money during cold-weather months. Modern furnaces also make less noise and are better at applying even heat throughout the property.

Air Conditioners

The efficiency of an air conditioning system is measured by its SEER rating. Not that long ago, a SEER rating of 10 or higher was considered good. Today, the standard of excellence is at 16 rating. Not only will homeowners with an air conditioner with at least a 16 SEER rating enjoy lower monthly bills, but they’ll also qualify for federal tax credits. Modern HVAC systems are also more durable and no longer depend on eco-unfriendly refrigerants.

Programmable Thermostat

If you’re looking to make your home more energy-efficient, there are a few things you can start with. The first is a programmable thermostat that allows you to set the temperature at different times throughout the day and night. This will allow you to keep the house cooler when no one is home and warmer when everyone sleeps. Did you know that a programmable thermostat can save you up to 15% on your heating and cooling bills? It’s true! Using a programmable thermostat, you can also set your home to heat or cool only when it’s occupied. This means your home will be more comfortable when you’re at work, asleep, or just not at home. It also reduces energy use by allowing the system to turn off when it isn’t being used.

Using a programmable thermostat isn’t hard; it just takes some practice. Once you get used to it, switching to a programmable thermostat will feel like second nature. Now you can see how many more ways you to make your home energy-efficient! For example, you can turn off the lights when you’re not using them or even unplug appliances when you’re done with them. Did you know one of the easiest and most effective things you can do is get a programmable thermostat?

Programmable thermostats let you set a schedule for your heating and cooling system. Then, when the temperature in your house falls outside the range you set, it turns on automatically. Likewise, it turns off automatically when it reaches the correct temperature. This way, it only heats or cools your house when necessary, saving you money on utility bills and helping protect our environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A programmable thermostat is an easy way to make your home more energy-efficient and save money! If you’re interested in purchasing one, contact The Cooling Company.

Finally, if you have appliances that use or produce a lot of heat, like an oven or stovetop burners, use them only when necessary by turning off their power switches when not in use. Making your home energy efficient is one of the best ways to save money on utility bills. It also is a great way to impact the environment positively.

You can do many things to make your home more energy-efficient;

  • installing new, more efficient appliances
  • installing new, more efficient windows
  • sealing up cracks and holes in the walls and roof
  • adding insulation

The best thing you can do when making your home energy efficient is to take a holistic approach. For example, suppose you’re looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient. In that case, it’s important to consider the factors contributing to your home’s overall energy usage.

Here are some common things that use and produce a lot of heat:

  • Refrigerators
  • Dishwashers
  • Washers and dryers
  • Televisions

If you’re looking to lower your energy consumption and save money on your utility bills, then here’s a simple way; just turn down the heat!

It’s that easy.

This may sound like a no-brainer if you live in a house or apartment that experiences cold winters. However, if you live in a warm climate, turning down the thermostat can be a little more complicated than flipping it up. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Here Are Some Tips for Making Your Home Energy Efficient Now and for Years to Come

Keep Your Appliances Running Smoothly

Ensure your appliances are working properly by getting them checked out by a professional every couple of years. This is especially important if you have an old fridge or air conditioner, as those tend to break down faster than newer models. You’ll save money on repairs and extend the life of these items by keeping them in good shape! Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you have to leave the room because it’s too hot, the appliance is too big.

If your dishwasher is too big, it’ll take more time to fill and drain. That can mean more energy costs for you. Likewise, if your fridge is too big, it’ll take longer to cool down and warm up, which means more energy costs for you.

So how do you know if your appliances are too big? An excellent first step is to check out the Energy Guide label on the product or in its manual. It will estimate how much energy your new appliance will use over its lifetime. The average American household uses about $3-$4 daily on electricity alone. You can also find this information online at or by calling 1-800-MY-ENERGY (1-800-693-6376).

Once you’ve got that information in hand, compare it to what’s currently in your home. Make sure it’s something that won’t cost an arm and a leg in utility bills each month!

OK, so maybe you can’t control the weather. However, when it comes to managing the AC in your home and saving money on those monthly bills, there are a few things that you can still do. The best place to start is by upgrading your windows, which not only repel heat but also save you energy on heating and cooling. If it’s too late for that this year, at least start looking into doing it next year. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be able to cut down on a few utility costs along the way.

Remember, you can always make your home more energy-efficient. You don’t necessarily have to do everything, or even any one thing, on this list to see results. Just doing one thing is like putting one drop of water in a pool. It might not change a lot at once, but every additional drop makes a difference. So determine what you want to do and how you want to improve things in your home, and then do it!

The Cooling Company wants to help you conserve. Keep your home cooler, improve your energy efficiency, and save on your energy bill today! Call for assistance on energy-efficient heating and air conditioning.

