Optimized Spring HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Coming out of a season where your heating system has been running on maximum capacity, spring provides sweet relief. With temperatures that are neither too cold nor too hot, spring is the ideal season where you won’t have to depend heavily on your heating and cooling system at home. You’ll probably notice your thermostat indicating milder temperatures both on the indoor unit of your HVAC system, as well as the outdoor unit.

Utilizing this season, where your HAVC system won’t be running non-stop, is the perfect time to perform an inspection and check if your heating and cooling system is in its prime working condition. This year’s spring HVAC cleaning checklist is here to guide you through.

1. Change Your Air Filters

A recommended practice is to change the air filter monthly for top performance. However, time and financial constraints may prevent you from doing this during the harsh winter months. Spring makes for an opportune time to turn off the heating and cooling system for calibration and to inspect elements like the fan blades and filters.

Dust and particles often accumulate in the filters, obstructing your HVAC system’s full potential. Changing the filter, and ensuring the thermostat is correctly calibrated to ensure accurate temperature readings, restores your system to its maximum functionality. It also significantly saves on energy consumption, thereby bringing down your energy bills.

2. Test All Your HVAC Systems

Spring provides the optimal environment to switch off your HVAC system without disturbing the pleasant conditions in your home. The mild temperatures and clean air during this season give you the chance to shut down all the HVAC components for individual inspection.

Switch these components back on gradually to check the functionality of each one. Pay particular attention to the air conditioning units, the air purifiers, and also the overall quality of your indoor air. This process includes checking the ventilation and condenser, and it will help you identify any system flaws to be fixed.

3. Check All Electrical Connections

Electrical connections that are faulty pose a potential danger to you and your HVAC components. Electrical shocks can cause property damage or even spark a fire. Unchecked connections can also carry the risk of electrocution.

Take this moment to tighten the connections on your HVAC unit. If you’re unsure how to do this, consider enlisting professional and reliable HVAC services like The Cooling Company. Shut down the HVAC system this spring and inspect those electric contacts for issues. It could save you from unnecessary complications later on.

4. Clean All HVAC Units

A clean HVAC system is a happy one, and spring cleaning isn’t just for your house decor. Start with the indoor components such as the blower fans, coils, filters, and ducts of the indoor unit. Don’t forget to lubricate any moving parts to enhance their efficiency and longevity.

Taking care of your HVAC components through cleaning and lubrication helps prevent future complications. Potential problems that can be avoided with routine care include clogging of the air and water filters, as well as dust and dirt accumulating in the ventilation of the air conditioning components. Spring is a superb time to freshen up these key parts of your system.

5. Check the Refrigerant Levels of Your AC

The arrival of spring signals that the scorching summer months are just around the corner. And that means it’s the right time to ensure your air conditioner, particularly the outdoor unit and its condenser and fan blades, are in prime working condition before the temperatures rise. Checking the refrigerant level and ensuring it’s properly stocked.

You wouldn’t be able to replenish the refrigerant in the AC without checking it first. So, switch off the AC for a moment and inspect its various components. If the refrigerant is low, be sure to refill it. This way, when summer finally rolls in, all you have to do is sit back and stay cool.Sometimes, the little things you do can make the biggest difference. Taking time to clean all the windows in your home and removing leaves and debris that may have settled can go a long way toward enhancing the operation of your HVAC system. Dirty windows may harbor mold, dust, and all kinds of allergens. These unwanted materials may be sucked into the air purifier and clog it. Additionally, it’s key to inspect your system for any leaks, which may affect the airflow and temperature control.

6. Clean Your Windows

In spring, you won’t have to contend with snow settling on your windows. With the weather growing milder, it’s the perfect time to clean them, replacing the grime with cleanliness even with just a piece of wet cloth. It may take you quite some time and effort to attend to all the windows, but investing this time will save you money in the long run, as clean windows will reduce the strain on your HVAC system.

Cooler conditions in spring may attract mold, dust, pollen from burgeoning plant leaves, and pet dander to your indoor air. Thus, it serves as the best time to consider installing an air purifier in your home; that is, if you didn’t have one in the first place.

7. Install an Air Purifier

When shopping for an air purifier, keep some considerations in mind. Ensure it has the capability to capture and eliminate pathogens, creating a healthier airflow in your home. You have every right to clean, safe air for breathing.

The mild temperature, clear skies, and sprouting of vegetation combine to make spring the most appropriate time for a professional air conditioning tune-up. The tune-up appointment encompasses a detailed check of the HVAC system by a skilled technician, inspecting its internal components, particularly the level of the refrigerant and the filters.

8. Schedule an Air Conditioning Tune-Up

A professional and reliable HVAC company, such as The Cooling Company, will also go the extra mile to check the electrical and mechanical components of your HVAC system in your Las Vegas home, conduct any necessary repairs, or replace faulty parts, saving you money in the long-run.

After the winter, the area around your air conditioner may have gathered unwanted objects such as vegetation, pieces of paper, or some other materials. When the snow clears, you’ll have lots of time to inspect the area surrounding the air conditioner for any unwanted stuff. It’s also wise to place a cover over your unit to prevent any debris accumulation.

9. Clear the Area Around the Air Conditioner

Ensuring that this area is clear gives the air conditioner enough breathing space to maintain optimal airflow. Remember this unit needs lots of free air for efficient functioning. If anything obstructs free movement of air to and from this equipment, it may overheat and break down.

Keeping the vicinity of your unit clear is also an excellent preparation exercise for summer. The hotter weather in the summer months requires your air conditioning unit to be in top shape; otherwise, you may be in for uncomfortable summer months.

Not many homeowners pay attention to the air conditioner drain line. This could be partly because it leads to the outside of the house, and not many people venture out to check. What you may not know is that the drain line plays an essential role in the proper functioning of your AC unit. It drains the excess moisture created through the cooling process.

10. Inspect the Air Conditioner Drain Line

Turn on the air conditioner and allow it to run for some time. Look for water flowing out of the drain line, the part that resembles a hose. Don’t expect a lot of water. However, if nothing flows out, the drain line could be clogged. Call The Cooling Company in Las Vegas if you need help unblocking the clogged line.

At The Cooling Company, we provide reliable and professional heating and cooling services throughout Las Vegas. Whether dealing with the summer heat or cool winter weather, trust us for HVAC repairs, maintenance, ductwork, and installations. Contact us today for more information.

At The Cooling Company, we provide reliable and professional heating and cooling services throughout Las Vegas. Trust us for HVAC repairsmaintenance, ductwork, and installations. Contact us today for more information.
