AC Not Blowing Hard? Discover Causes Behind Low Airflow

The weather outside is heating up just like the thermostat in your home and you think, “It’s the perfect time to use my central AC.” Temperatures are reaching 100 hundred-and-are-you-kidding-me. You can always retreat to the safety of your air-conditioned home equipped with a system that relies heavily on the functionality of specific components such as the condenser and the crucial refrigerant circulation. But what sometimes happens when these elements, including the compressor, are obstructed or have some irregularities? Your air conditioner isn’t working correctly.

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Why Is My Central AC Not Blowing Hard?

You come home from work after a long day in the hot sun. Naturally, you’re eager to retreat into your cooled down space. So you throw your feet up on the couch to enjoy a sweet drink… Only to find that the air coming out of the flex duct and the return vents isn’t that strong and the inside temperature of your home is almost as hot as the outside, one of the common reasons for HVAC troubleshooting. You try to raise the air conditioning hoping that the thermostat control, the electrical component in the form of capacitors, will kick on and cool down the place. But it doesn’t. Your spouse is overheating and your children are complaining. Plus, the family dog is fanning himself with a paw.

Uncomfortable and worried about your family’s safety and the blockage in the area of your HVAC system, you begin to do your research. What could be wrong?

How Strong Should Air Come Out of My Central AC?

When you get up close to your air vents, do you feel a steady and even gust of air or does it appear to be weak or inconsistent? If the airflow coming from the vent is weak, you may have an issue with your system. To accurately diagnose the problem, you’ll need to check other vents in the home. Is the weak airflow limited to one vent? Or are two or more of the vents experiencing the same problem?

What to Do When You Have Weak Airflow from Vents in the House?

Before you call a technician, there are a few actions you should do. Determine if the problem has a solution with some do-it-yourself maintenance or whether you need to call in a professional.

First, decide whether the issue is with one vent or more. That answer will be a guide as to what to check in your system.

Second, make sure that furniture, plants, or fabric don’t obstruct the return vent. This could restrict the amount of air into the system.

Third, if you are comfortable doing so, check the evaporator coils. They may be in a closet, attic, or basement. Check for any ice formation.

Fourth, make sure that the flex ducts are not crushed. These are flexible wire tubes covered in plastic. And when they get damaged, they can cause airflow issues.

Fifth, check the dampers to make sure that they are open.

How to Improve Airflow in Vents

Once you suspect that you’ve determined the issue, there are some problems that you can fix on your own. And there are others that will require help from an HVAC professional.

Change Your Air Filters

This is probably the best-case scenario for your airflow problems. Air filters need to be changed regularly. When they are not changed, dirt and dust build up. In effect, it restricts the airflow out of the system. Also, you may experience increased respiratory issues. Changing your air filters is a quick fix that may solve your airflow problems all by itself.

Replace any Broken Fans

Let’s say I’m experiencing a decrease in airflow in my central AC. My fan-motor-and-a-blower-motor/”>AC blower might be to blame. Located inside the air handler, this fan is responsible for pushing the cold air through the ducts. So don’t take this lightly. It could be that the blades are covered with an excessive amount of dust or the blower motor is broken. But either way, I will have issues with my central AC system. Here is how we can check this:

  • Turn off the air conditioner.
  • Find the blower motor and check for excessive dirt or dust. You can clean this with a rag. However, be careful not to get your fingers caught.
  • Turn the air conditioner back on and check for increased airflow.

But if this did not improve the flow, you’d need to contact a professional.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is the component that cools your air. Occasionally, this piece will get too cold, and moisture in the home will cause it to form ice. In this case, you will likely notice pools of water by your indoor unit. This will cause issues with all of your vents. If you see ice on your evaporator coil:

  • Turn off the air conditioner to allow the ice to melt.
  • Check the air filter and change it if it’s dirty.
  • Check to make sure that all supply registers and return grates are open.
  • Turn the air conditioner back on and check for airflow and signs of freezing.
  • If there is still ice buildup, call a professional.

Crushed Flex Ducts

If air is only being restricted in one vent, you may have discovered crushed flex ducts in your examination. If this is the case, you will need to contact an AC professional to have it fixed.

Closed Damper

A damper is a valve in your duct system that can restrict airflow to a specific room. Occasionally these will become accidentally closed. So if you have electronic dampers in your home, there should be a control near your indoor unit. If they are closed, see if opening them fixes the problem. If you can’t find the dampers or opening them didn’t improve the airflow, you’ll need to call on a professional.

Worst Case Scenario: My Central AC Has Ductwork Problems

Whether you have impaired airflow in one vent or all, the problem may be with an air duct. Disconnected or leaky ducts they will decrease airflow as the ducts carry cool air throughout your home. There are a variety of problems that can occur with the air ducts such as leaks, blockages, or holes which will cause issues in multiple vents. A licensed professional can examine your ductwork and determine if there are any blockages from dirt or animals. And you need to know if there are any leaks allowing air to escape. The technician will also check if ducts are in proper working order.

Your family’s comfort and safety is essential. So if you suspect that there are any issues with your HVAC system, run through the do-it-yourself check. And then don’t hesitate to call in a professional if the system requires anything other than a quick and easy fix. HVAC issues can be quite costly. So the sooner you are able to address them, the lower the risk of the problems getting worse. As a result, you likely won’t have to go without air.
