How to Keep Your Home Cool: Energy-Saving Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

Residents of Las Vegas know how blistering hot it can get in the height of summer. Instead of biting the bullet and trying to outlast the heat, you could be looking at ways to keep the heat out of your home so that you can save energy and enjoy a more comfortable summer.

Conserving energy in these sweltering times revolves around efficient household management. One way of doing this is by optimizing the use of your home appliances to ensure they use energy efficiently. For instance, your oven and other heating appliances can significantly increase the temperatures inside your house. If possible, consider cooking outdoors or using microwave ovens, which utilize less energy and don’t heat your home as much.

Not all the energy-saving measures you take to beat the heat have to cost a fortune. There are practical steps that you can take to make your home more heat resistant. A lot of these measures put a spotlight on insulating your home effectively. Utilizing some heat-resistant materials, solar-reflective paints or even reflective materials on your roof or attic can do wonders at repelling the summer heat. Ventilation fans installed can also help move this hot air out before it settles in. Furthermore, setting your thermostat to a higher temperature when away saves substantial amounts of energy, making quite a difference on your electricity bill.

The windows in your home are one of the main sources of air leaks. By insulating your windows effectively, you will help to keep the heat out, reduce the load on your air conditioner and reduce energy use significantly. Using blinds or curtains to limit sun exposure can be a low-cost solution. Similarly, the addition of awnings could provide shade and reduce any sun penetration. Smart lights can also be set to switch on during cooler times of the day, reducing hot light exposure in the room during the peak temperature hours.

Insulate Your Windows

Windows often develop cracks that allow hot air in. You can use caulifying or spray foam around your windows to stop hot air coming in. You can also apply an insulating film to the window panes for an extra layer of protection. Ensuring the effective use of blinds and curtains during peak sunlight hours can provide an additional shade and act as a cost-effective sunblock for your home.

Your home’s insulation is crucial in maintaining a cool interior. Focusing on windows and doors, where most air leaks occur, can significantly reduce indoor heat. Installing programmable thermostats adds to your home’s convenience. These devices automatically adjust the temperature setting based on time of day, thus optimizing energy use. Ideally, for windows, consider sealing cracks with caulking or spray foam and adding insulating film to the panes. For doors, weatherstripping, door sweeps, and draft guards can be cost-effective ways to prevent heat from entering.

There are a few ways you can make your doors more weatherproof. Installing awnings or shade trees around your home isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, but their shading properties can help reduce the amount of direct sunlight hitting your doors or windows. Besides, making small adjustments in your daily routine, such as washing clothes in cold water instead of hot, can make a considerable difference in conserving energy and saving money.

Sometimes it is worth the expense to appoint a professional to do an energy audit on your home. Your utility company should be able to provide this service. This audit checks everything right from your water heater’s energy use to your room temperatures, ensuring your energy use is optimized for efficiency.

Weatherproof Your Doors

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  • Weatherstripping. This doesn’t cost much and is very effective in keeping the heat out. Apply vinyl or rubber weather stripping to the door jambs.
  • Door sweeps. A door sweep is usually a rubber strip that you affix to the bottom of your door to keep drafts out. It doesn’t hinder the operation of the door in any way.
  • Draft guards. Draft guards are used when door sweeps are not sufficient to block any air leakage under the door. They can fixed to the bottom of the door or moved into place when needed.
  • Arrange a Home Energy Audit

Sometimes it is worth the expense to appoint a professional to do an energy audit on your home. Your utility company should be able to provide this service.

An auditor will inspect your home from top to bottom to identify areas where energy is lost. They will give you advice on how to stop these losses and make your home more energy-efficient.

The Department of Energy gives excellent advice on how you can conduct your own energy audit and save the cost of hiring a professional.

Schedule a Check-up of Your Air Conditioning System

This is the time to schedule an inspection of your air conditioner, before the full heat of summer sets in. You don’t want to be stuck in the sweltering heat with a broken-down system.

As summer approaches, ensuring your air conditioning system is in peak condition is essential. Regular check-ups by a qualified technician can prevent breakdowns during heat waves and ensure your system operates efficiently. This not only keeps your home cooler but can also lead to significant savings on your energy bill.

A qualified air conditioning technician will conduct a thorough inspection of your system to highlight any problem areas that require maintenance. He will carry out tests and measurements and make necessary adjustments to ensure that your air conditioner is running at maximum efficiency. By fine-tuning your system, a professional can ensure that your air conditioner is operating to give you maximum savings on your energy bill.

Consider Installing a New Air Conditioning System

If your current air conditioner is coming up to retirement age or starting to cost too much in yearly maintenance, you should consider replacing it. New air conditioners incorporate the latest technology and are far more energy-efficient than older units. What you spend on a new system could easily be recovered within a few years through the savings on your monthly energy bill.

If your air conditioning unit is nearing the end of its life or becoming a financial burden due to constant repairs, consider an upgrade. Modern air conditioners are designed with energy efficiency in mind, using the latest technology to provide superior cooling with lower energy consumption. Though the initial investment might be higher, the long-term savings on your energy bills can be substantial.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to air conditioning specialists in Las Vegas for an inspection and tailored advice. We can offer insights and suggestions specific to your home, helping you implement the most effective energy-saving measures.

By taking proactive steps toward insulating your home, maintaining and potentially upgrading your air conditioning system, and seeking professional advice, you can significantly reduce the heat entering your home and enjoy a cooler, more comfortable summer while saving on energy costs.

Contact a leading air conditioning specialist in Las Vegas to conduct an inspection of your system and give you professional advice on how you can implement energy-saving measures in your home.
