Air Conditioning SEER Ratings: Understanding Efficiency and Impact

There are several things to know about air conditioning units, including their installation, features, and energy efficiency. In 2008, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute introduced an important measure to help you compare these aspects of different air conditioning units. This rating, known as the SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, may very well help achieve better energy savings for your home. This information can be a vital part of making a wise investment in your home’s comfort.

What is SEER?

SEER, standing for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is the efficiency rating of your AC unit. It’s the ratio of your AC’s total cooling output over a season to the total amount of energy consumed during that period. You can find a comprehensive account of the SEER definition and its practical meaning on the InspectAPedia website, which provides helpful guidelines on understanding this rating.

People typically define the cooling power of an air conditioner by the number of British Thermal Units (BTUs) it produces per hour. A few decades ago, customers were only interested in the cooling power of these units. Today, however, with the ever-rising costs of energy, customers are more inclined to look at the efficiency of their air conditioning units and heat pumps, gauging the cost required to generate the level of cooling they desire.

In other words, they are looking at the operating cost.

Rating facts

A SEER score allows you to compare operating costs between one model of an air conditioner or heat pump and the next. Many years ago, it wouldn’t have been uncommon to find an air conditioner with a SEER of 6 to 10.

However, as of January 2015, the U.S. Department of Energy introduced new guidelines. These defined minimum regional standards for split-system central air conditioners and heat pumps. For instance, in the Southwestern area of the country, which includes Nevada, the minimum SEER rating must be 14.

Interestingly, some HVAC units, including air conditioning units and heat pumps, can achieve more than 26 SEERs, bringing substantial benefits to their users.

The Facts About SEER Ratings

How SEER Ratings Are Determined

All air conditioners and heat pumps are rated according to efficiency tests stipulated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The standard test conditions include an outdoor temperature of 82˚F, an indoor temperature of 80˚F and an indoor relative humidity of 50%.

This rating scale implies that an AC unit or heat pump with a SEER score of 16 is 60% more efficient than a 10 SEER unit. Obviously, this comparison is only relevant under the test conditions. It would be impossible for the DOE to rate the efficiency according to the unique conditions of each home or area.

The Effect of Climate

In reality, the climate can vary greatly from one area to the next. For instance, Las Vegas reports an average maximum July temperature of 106˚F which is far above the standard 82˚F used to rate air conditioners and heat pumps. This deviation will affect the actual efficiency of the unit.

There are other factors that could affect the efficiency of your air conditioning system, such as the quality of the home’s insulation and the presence of any leaks in the system or its associated ducting.

You Can Use SEER to Calculate Your Energy Consumption

Wikipedia provides a detailed breakdown of how to calculate your total electric energy input based on your air conditioner’s or heat pump’s rating. With such information, you can estimate your energy consumption.

Heating and cooling units are a significant investment, but higher-rated systems often pay for themselves within a few years due to the energy savings they offer. This break-even point largely depends on the number of hours you run your AC unit each day. It’s essential to monitor this aspect carefully to reap the benefits of the investment in your home’s comfort.

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is defined as the ratio of the total cooling output of an air conditioner over a cooling season (BTU), as compared to the total amount of energy consumed by the unit during that period (Wh). An air conditioner with a SEER of 14, a notably high standard of air conditioner efficiency, will use 1Wh of electricity to extract 14 BTUs of heat emitted by the operation of household equipment. This is particularly beneficial for homeowners as it allows a reduction in energy consumption.

By reducing the amount of electricity consumed, higher SEER rated air conditioners, or HVAC systems, can help in the global drive to save the environment. The energy savings equate to taking a couple of vehicles off the road over the lifespan of the AC unit. In several states, rebates may be available for these energy-saving products, enhancing their performance and value.

Air conditioners naturally become less efficient as time goes on. So, you will see a corresponding decrease in their SEER rating. The best way to prolong the lifespan of your AC unit and ensure continuous high performance is with regular check-ups. So, it’s wise to schedule air conditioning maintenance with a professional HVAC company.

There have been a number of misconceptions regarding SEER ratings, some of which stubbornly persist. The Environmental and Energy Study Institute has developed a comprehensive report on some of these myths.

Most low-income families rent homes with air conditioning, meaning very few of them will have to purchase an air conditioner unit. They will enjoy the savings on electricity from day one, benefiting from the efficient operation of these products.

Let’s take into account the air conditioner use of most families. Bearing in mind the typical HVAC system efficiency, you will recoup the extra cost for a SEER 13 unit through lower electricity bills within 4 years. Central air conditioners have a lifespan of about 18 years.

Minimum SEER Ratings

So, consumers will have the benefit of many years of energy savings after they have made up that extra cost. These calculations are based on present electricity costs.

The Payback from Higher SEER Rated Air Conditioners

Prices for power are likely to go up, which would mean increased savings and a shorter payback period for most homeowners.

SEER Ratings in Terms of Energy

It is unlikely that homeowners will keep their old, less efficient air conditioners when they realize the potential savings in electricity costs. The higher efficiency of the SEER 13 rated units will give them an ongoing reduction in their utility bill over the life span of the new air conditioner.

Higher SEER Ratings Help the Environment

Some of the new units are bigger, but the majority are not. Manufacturers, realizing the massive demand for efficient HVAC systems, are using latest design technology. This means, in many cases, the air conditioning units can be made smaller.

SEER Ratings Decrease Over Time

The fact is, SEER technology is available to all manufacturers. So there’s no reason why this should place an extra burden on smaller companies.

SEER Ratings Myths Dispelled

Well, this may be true. But it is the price of progress in any sector of the industry. So as new technology is introduced, models using older technology will be phased out.

Myth #1: The Government issued SEER 13 Standard Harms Low-Income Families

This doesn’t mean you don’t have options. With SEER 13 being the minimum rating, they’re making other models with higher SEER ratings to meet consumer demand.

Myth #2: The Cost of Moving to the SEER 13 Standard Is Not Covered by the Savings on Utility Bills

Air conditioners with higher ratings do cost more. But they pay for themselves in a few years with energy savings. You get the benefit of a lower electricity bill for the rest of the AC unit’s life.

Electricity is a utility that is in greater demand and costs more to produce every year. Even industry experts are loath to predict what electricity costs will be in the years ahead.

You may have to fork out the extra cost to purchase a 14 SEER air conditioner. But you will recover this within the first few years. You can then enjoy energy savings for the remainder of the AC unit’s life. And this could be up to 18 years.

Myth#3: The Higher Cost of the SEER 13 Will Prevent People from Replacing Their Air Conditioners

SEER 14 air conditioners are manufactured in a range of sizes. So there is no appreciable difference in size. Thanks to advances in technology.

Myth #4: SEER 13 Units Are Much Bigger than Older Units, Requiring Major Renovations to Existing Homes to Accommodate Them

This is not true. The efficiency of any AC system or heat pump doesn’t only depend on the SEER rating of the unit. There are more factors to consider. For example, the size of the space to cool. Also consider the quality of the home insulation. Normally, leaks within the HVAC system significantly affect performance, hence the need to consider the leak proofing of the ducting. So this will take planning.

Myth #5: The SEER 13 Standard Places a Burden on Small Manufacturers

So you want to get a new air conditioning unit? Read up on the subject and weigh the pros and cons of different products and consider the efficiency during the peak of the cooling season. The next step you should take is to call an air conditioning professional and get the right advice.

Myth #6: Over 75 Percent of the Models Will Be Eradicated to Accommodate SEER 13

Well, this may be true. But it is the price of progress in any sector of the industry. So as new technology is introduced, models using older technology will be phased out.

This doesn’t mean you don’t have options. With SEER 13 being the minimum rating, they’re making other models with higher SEER ratings to meet the demand.

Myth #7: Units With Higher SEER Ratings are Too Expensive and Won’t Save Me Any Money

Air conditioners with higher ratings cost more. But they pay for themselves in a few years with energy savings. You get the benefit of a lower electricity bill for the rest of the AC unit’s life.

Myth #8: Utility Bill Savings Do Not Really Cover the Cost of Air Conditioners with the Minimum SEER Rating 14

Electricity is a utility that is in greater demand and costs more to produce every year. Even industry experts are loath to predict what electricity costs will be in the years ahead.

You may have to fork out the extra cost to purchase a 14 SEER air conditioner. But you will recover this within the first few years. You can then enjoy energy savings for the remainder of the AC unit’s life. And this could be up to 18 years.

Myth #9: You Need a Total Home Makeover to Install Models With Higher SEER Ratings

SEER 14 air conditioners are manufactured in a range of sizes. So there is no appreciable difference in size. Thanks to advances in technology.

Myth #10: Purchasing an Energy Efficient Air Conditioner Will Automatically Reduce Your Utility Bill

This is not true. The efficiency of any AC system or heat pump doesn’t only depend on the SEER rating of the unit. There are more factors to consider. For example, the size of the space to cool. Also consider the quality of the home insulation. Then, you have the leak proofing of the ducting. So this will take planning.

So you want to get a new air conditioning unit? Read up on the subject and weigh the pros and cons. Next step, call an air conditioning professional. Get the right advice.
