Replace HVAC: Signs and Tips for a Seamless Upgrade

As the summer months approach, checking on your HVAC’s air conditioning (AC) unit and its lifecycle efficiency is a must! A thorough look at your equipment, from the compressor to refrigerant levels becomes crucial. To replace or upgrade your HVAC system, it helps to be aware of the signs, and it can save homeowners a significant amount of money over the lifespan of the system. Costs such as high energy bills can also be mitigated by timely service. Moreover, a professional technician can assist the homeowner in examining your HVAC’s heating and cooling components for any possible malfunction or leaks.

The signs your HVAC system needs to be replaced

Likewise, proper attention must be given to your boiler, heating elements, and furnace when winter comes, and a warm, cozy house is desired. Homeowners need to pay careful attention to their thermostat and the system’s use during these fluctuating temperatures. There is nothing worse than the humidity in the area rising to an unbearable point and waiting for a heatwave to let your HVAC kick in, only to find it isn’t working! The following signs and signals should give you a reference guide to let you know if perhaps it is time to replace your HVAC system. Filter replacement can be a simple task, but more complicated issues within the system, like a failing compressor, might need professional examination, installation, or replacement. The average life of an HVAC air conditioning system is 10 to 15 years. This lifespan, of course, can be impacted greatly by how properly the units and other components have been installed and maintained. Annual service by professionals is an essential ingredient for prolonged system lifespan.

A Jump in Your Energy Bill

An inflated energy bill may be an indicator that your HVAC is not performing to the standard it should. A sudden surge in your bill may signal a decrease in operating efficiency, which means it may be time to call a professional technician for help. Factors to consider here are the warranty if applicable, the age of the system, the projected life of the system and the degree of expense needed for repair versus purchasing a new unit. When considering an upgrade, it’s essential to factor in the cost of installation, too.

A Climb in HVAC Repairs

If you are finding that small issues keep arising with your HVAC system, there may be a bigger issue at hand. As with anything needing maintenance (such as a car), a quick review of your repair investments over the last two years may reveal that, while the repairs seemed inexpensive at the time, they are all adding up. It is now that you would want to research a new HVAC system.

Your Air Conditioner is Not Giving You the Cold Shoulder?

Are you noticing that your air conditioning doesn’t “kick in” like it used to? Does it take longer to reach the desired temperature? These might be leaks causing the AC units to work even harder. Do you find yourself or your family asking way too often “Is the air on?” when it is indeed? These are all signs that your HVAC system may need to be replaced.

A Dusty HVAC is a Low-Performance HVAC

Excessive dust flying around in your house may denote leaking ducts. Duct sealing is an option, but depending on the age and condition of your HVAC system, it could be a telltale sign that it is time to replace it.

A Loud HVAC May be a Sign there is a Problem

While newer HVAC systems are designed with considerable noise reduction (and therefore a noisy system may not be a great indicator for a faulty system), older models that begin exhibiting more noise when the compressor or other components are turned on can be indicative of needing replacement. Your HVAC system is by far the largest user of energy in the entire home. Thus, recognizing these tips when they occur can be a major factor in determining if and when your HVAC needs to be replaced to save on energy bills and HVAC-related costs. For any homeowner in need, The Cooling Company is ever ready to offer aid in the replacement of your HVAC System! Our professional technicians are always ready to help you save time and money.

The Age of your HVAC System

How old is your system? Some questions you may want to ask have simply to do with the age, brand, and type of HVAC installed. It is especially important when buying a home in which you did not purchase the HVAC system yourself. Asking the age of the HVAC system is a standard question when investing in a new home.